Examples of how metadata is used within the UI

Metadata will be used in search to optimise discovery of content and make searches more accurate.


User knows what they’re looking for

Search prompted


User doesn’t know what they want to watch

Search unprompted


“Recommended for you” row


Content Aggregation

In the case of multiple providers offering the same content

Content aggregation

Mandatory Information

  • original_title: The original title of the content.
  • title_locale: The title of the content in different languages.
  • year: The release year of the content.
  • duration_in_seconds: The length of each content item in seconds.
  • type: The type of content, e.g. movie, series, sports, TV shows, seasons, episodes
  • (when applicable) Additional:
    • Season_number
    • Episode_number
  • deeplink: Distinguished between details, player and trailer links.


titles: Alternative titles in different locales.

  • locale
  • title

subtitles: Subtitles available for different locales.

  • locale
  • title

short_synopsis: Short descriptions or summaries in different locales.

  • locale
  • title

long_synopsis: Long descriptions or summaries in different locales.

  • locale
  • title

trailers: Trailers available for different locales.

  • locale
  • trailer_url

images: Images associated with the content, categorised by type and locale.

  • locale
  • backdrop_image (desired 4k, minimum accepted Full HD, screenshot)
    • name
    • locale
    • url
  • cover_landscape (min. 544x306 / jpeg or png, aspect ration 16:9, artwork / poster)
    • name
    • locale
    • url
  • cover_portrait (min 326x494 / jpeg or png, aspect ratio 1:1,42, artwork / poster)
    • name
    • locale
    • url

deeplinks: Deep-linking URLs for apps in different locales.

  • countries
  • app
  • url

Content Details

genres: Categorisation of content into genres by different standards.

  • IAB

ratings: Age or content ratings in different countries.

  • country_code
  • system
  • name
  • minimum_age

cast: Information about the actors, directors, and screenwriters.

  • actors
    • name
    • image_actor
  • directors
    • name
    • image_director
  • screenwriters
    • name
    • image_screenwriter

countries: The country (or countries) of origin.

  • name

Ratings & Scores

  • scores: Ratings or scores from various platforms (if available).
    • platform
    • url
    • platform_id
    • score


  • availabilities: Availability information, including pricing and quality.
    • app
    • market
    • price
    • video_quality
      • name
    • business_model
      • type

Nice to have Information


Sharing Metadata

We can integrate with any access point you provide, including URLs, APIs, or locations such as FTP, SFTP, and S3. Please select the method that is most convenient for you. Regarding security measures—such as password protection, API keys, or IP whitelisting—it is your responsibility to configure and provide us with the necessary information.

Pictures for illustration purposes only