DeviceInfo API
This API offers essential services and features for Titan OS through JavaScript functions tailored for accessing TV-specific features and capabilities. With the DeviceInfoAPI, not only do you gain enhanced compatibility, but you can also conveniently access most DeviceAPI functions directly from your development computer.
A Titan OS managed version will be coming soon.
. Please consider this variation when developing and testing your applications across different platforms.DeviceInfo.Channel
Name of the appStore provider
Default: TitanOS
Name of the company who manufactured the device
Default: TPV
Name of the brand who sells the device
Default: Philips
Name of the appStore provider
Default: "unknown"
Year of manufacturing
Default: "unknown"
Unique identifier of the device
Default: "unknown"
Resettable Advertising ID
Default: "unknown"
Device Firmware Component ID
Default: "unknown"
Installed version number of the firmware
Default: "unknown"
Name of the operating system
Default: "unknown"
Type of the browser engine (ex. Webkit, Chrome, etc…)
Default: "unknown"
If the device has storage.
Default: "unknown"
If the device has 3D support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has UHD support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has HDR support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has WebSocket support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has PlayReady support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has Widevine Modular support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has Widevine Classic support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has Adobe HDS support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has Apple HLS support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has MSSmooth Streaming support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has MPEG_DASH support
Default: "unknown"
Device’s Digital Rights Management method
Default: "unknown"
If the device has OIPF support
Default: "unknown"
If the device has EME support
Default: "unknown"
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